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诺瓦品牌体验店 I 探索与对话

Project Information 项目信息

项目名称 I 诺瓦品牌体验店惠州首店

设  计 方 I LICO力高设计

完成年份 I 2020.12

主创设计 I 钟良胜

设计团队 I 朱洋环、林峰、董华斌、骆秋月

技术总监 I 冼景华

施工执行 I 何昌辉

项目地址 I 惠州市惠城区演达二路

建筑面积 I 130平方米

摄影版权 I 隐象建筑摄影| 欧阳云

客户名称 I 坤亚欧洲建材

品      牌 I 诺瓦

Novacolor诺瓦,“I colori dell’Architettura”与“BE CREATIVE”是诺瓦自1982年创立以来长期持守的品牌理念,“Create your own visualstyle,let it be unique for yourself.”是 NOVACOLOR诺瓦作为国际知名的建筑涂料和室内外艺术漆的高端品牌信仰的价值主张。NOVACOLOR为世界各地的建筑师和设计师提供特殊涂料, 纹理, 高性能, 创新材料, 环保, 和高效低成本的解决方案以及全球性的技术支持等。将创意, 直觉和对新产品可行性开发的研究结合起来, 使Novacolor成为世界范围内的艺术漆领导品牌, 并成为知名建筑设计工作室和专业装饰墙艺设计师公认的合作伙伴. 今天Novacolor在50多个国家都有代表作, 并与国际知名合作伙伴的合作引以为荣。

Project Service Background


Service 服务

Interior Design 室内建筑设计

Sector 领域

Decorative Materials - Italian Art Coatings 

装饰材料 - 意大利进口艺术涂料Client 客户

NOVACOLOR 诺瓦意大利进口艺术涂料

Challenge 挑战


The interior architectural design project ofNovacolor Brand Experience Store, No. 1 in Huizhou underlines how to conform tothe brand concept of Novacolor and the feasibility of the innovative artcoating product development. At the same time, the focus of this design projectis to break the traditional way of displaying products by shelves, and furthermorecreate a brand new and exclusive customer experience of Novacolor in order toestablish the unique visual and spatial experience of Novacolor BrandExperience Store.

Solution 解决方案立足于对诺瓦品牌理念与建材行业空间的理解与分析,我们决定为诺瓦营创一所“让品牌直接与顾客对话”的探索空间、对话空间。室内建筑设计工作主要解决三大问题:第一、设计的起点与终点始终聚焦于诺瓦的品牌理念;第二、设计语言元素紧密围绕诺瓦产品特性;第三、功能取舍与构成形式要实现“产品即空间,空间即产品”。 

Based on the understanding and analysis ofNovacolor’brand concept and the space of building materials industry, we decideto create an exploration and dialogue space for Novacolor to "enable thebrand directly talk to customers". The interior architectural designmainly solves three problems: first, the starting point and ending point of thedesign always focus on the brand concept of Novacolor ; second, the designlanguage and elements centers closely on the product features; third, theselection and composition of functions should achieve the goal that"product is space, space is product". 

CustomerReviews 客户评价设计师打破传统的展厅形式,选择用产品筑造空间营造氛围的方式,更直接地诠释了品牌的理念,展示了产品的魅力,也恰到好处地传递了我对市场对客户对环保对品质的态度。但对我而言,最大的收获是在和设计师沟通的过程当中,深受启发,进一步明确了自己未来的经营模式。展厅完工投入使用50天以来,吸引无数路人驻足,来参观的设计师、业主络绎不绝,对设计对产品均赞叹不已,给予了极高的评价,同时也引发了大家对空间美学的更多探讨。感谢设计师用精心创意为涂料与空间与生活与设计创建了一个无与伦比的对话环境。—— 吴冠桦,坤亚实业创办人,2021年01月01日

The designer breaks the traditional form ofexhibition hall and chooses the way of building space with products to create acertain atmosphere, which directly interprets the concept of the brand, showsthe charm of products, and also properly conveys my attitude towards themarket, customers, environmental protection and quality.But for me, the biggestharvest is that, in the process of communication with designers, I was deeplyinspired and further specified my future business model. Over the 50 days sincethe exhibition hall was completed and put into use, it has attracted numerouspassersby. Designers and customers came to visit it in an endless flow,praising the design and products and giving high comments. Meanwhile, it hasalso triggered more discussions on space aesthetics. Thank the designer forcreating an unparalleled dialogue environment for paint, space, life and designwith meticulous creativity.—— Guanhua Wu, Kunya IndustryFounder,01/01/2021

EntranceDevice – Meteorite Gate © LICO

入口装置 – 陨石之门


设计收费:500 元/平             

擅长类型: 住宅,展厅



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