项目名称| 麓湖生态城 · 观澜样板房设计
项目地址| 中国 成都
项目面积| 约330m²
项目完成时间| 2022. 02
室内设计| WSD
软装设计| WSD
室内设计团队| 胡兢春、蔡钰鸿、叶弋飞、李明华
软装设计团队| 王珏、朱婷婷、赵焓均、孟佳文
项目业主| 万华投资
业主方团队| 万华集团装饰中心、万华集团同人艺社
空间摄影| 视方摄影 - 翱翔
WSD与万华·麓湖的合作已不止一回,每一次的合作都能碰撞出新的居所理念并引领新的生活方式。万华·麓湖致力打造一个以湖泊生态景观、现代建筑艺术为核心,集先锋多元的生活方式,打造公园城市级人居环境的理想生活之城。WSD一直专注于当代语境下,不断探索并研发更适合当代新贵的居所空间,于他们而言,样板房设计不仅在于提供空间解决方案,更是营造一种Urban Lifestyle的居所方式,与万华·麓湖的理念不谋而合。
WSD and Wide Horizon - Luxelakes have worked together more than once, and each time they have collided to create a new concept of living and lead a new lifestyle. Luxelakes is committed to creating a city of ideal living with the ecological landscape of the lake and modern architectural art as the core, integrating pioneering and diversified lifestyles to create a city-class living environment.
当代新贵们,成长于全球化时代,浸染于多元文化的环境中,他们具备自己的一套价值体系,有更强烈的自我认同感,跳脱了文化身份、不再拘泥于东方还是西方,开始自主思索和探寻,根植于自身成长经历的生活方式。基于此,WSD秉承 "Design for life" 的设计理念,跳脱传统格局和单一的审美定义,样板房设计打造一个既满足功能、品质、身份象征等多重需求,亦能承载个人能量的生活空间。
WSD's design philosophy of "Design for life" is to break away from traditional patterns and single aesthetic definitions to create a living space that meets the multiple needs of function, quality and status symbols, but also carries personal energy.
To match the large scale of the horizontal space, the vertical space is free from superfluous decoration, with a soft streamlined shape and partial stacking form, retaining the overall space's atmosphere and simplicity without losing the aesthetic tone of texture.