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动物冒险岛 · 对亲子关系的思考,领悟自然教育的意义

项目名称 |  乐贝亲子民宿( 环球融创·江口水镇 )

Project Name |  Le’Bonny hotel

项目地点 |  四川 · 眉山

Project Location |  SiChuan · MeiShan

空间设计 |  丰屋 · URO工作室设计

Interior Designer |  Fenhom · URO

主创设计 |  张颖

Chief designer |  Ying Zhang

空间设计|  陈明智、薛斌、吴锦洲 、游国胜、梁晓婷

Interior Design | Mazie 、Bin Xue、Jinzhou Wu、GuoSheng You、XiaoTing Liang

业主公司 |   环球融创会展文旅集团

Client |   Global Sunac Exhbition & Tourism Group

甲方团队|  邹华彬、何利

Client Managers | HuaBIn Zou、Li He

设计面积 |  1000 ㎡

Area |  1000 ㎡

软装团队|  引擎联合室内设计有限公司(重庆)( 民宿大堂 )、重庆于计装饰工程有限公司&上海觉饰装饰工程有限公司 (民宿客房) 

Area |  Chongqing engine United Interior Design Co., Ltd,YokyDesign&Shanghai Jueji Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd

灯光设计|  深圳朗晟灯光设计有限公司( 民宿大堂 )、光宴盛品灯光设计(深圳)有限公司  ( 民宿客房 )

Lighting design |  LP 、G.art lighting design

摄影团队|  榫卯建筑摄影 、不可搜索

Photography |   SFAP 、 404NF STUDIO

视频拍摄团队|  花生工作室





随着全球疫情爆发,澳洲森林大火引发的环境问题,开始引起人们的反思:“ 这一切是否是大自然无声的抗议?”,室内设计师人与大自然及动物和谐相处的问题引来越来越多人关注。

与此同时,美国教育学家称:让孩子自由成长正成为世界性难题。现在的孩子3岁开始上各种兴趣班、辅导班,美育、智育一起上,孩子却越来越不快乐。这不是中国独有的焦虑现象。室内设计师“ 中国式父母 ”的教育理念也往往让亲子关系处于紧绷的状态,如何做一个张弛有度的父母,如何在学和玩儿之间寻求平衡?

哈佛归国建筑及室内设计师张颖通过自身在海内外的生活交流与体验于创作中认为:“恰当距离的情感” 是亲子交流中的核心。距离太近容易失去每个人身为个体需要的私人的空间引发焦虑,距离太远又会让亲子关系过于生疏。亲子之间最好的关系是,相互陪伴但留有彼此的精神空间。“ 我支持你去做想做的但是我不限制你想做的 ”。乐贝亲子民宿乐园由 “情感设计 ” 出发,重点探讨 亲子互动关系 。由狮子、大象、斑马和鹦鹉四种不同的动物分别传达四种不同的个性特质:交流、探索、勇气和智慧,希望用 “ 玩中学习,学习中玩 ” 的思维方式构建一个亲子乐园。让小朋友在乐园中游玩的过程中,加深与家长的交流与互动,室内设计师领悟到自然教育的意义。

At the same time, educators in the United States say, letting children grow up freely is becoming a worldwide problem. Now the child 3 years old began to go up all kinds of interest classes, remedial classes, aesthetic education, intellectual education together, the child is more and more unhappy. This anxiety is not unique to China. The educational concept of "Chinese Parenting" often puts the parent-child relationship in a tense state. How to be a relaxed parent, and how to find a balance between study and play?

Zhang Ying, an architect and interior designerwho graduated from Harvard, believes that "the emotion of proper distance" is the core of parent-child communication through her life communication and experience at home and abroad in her creation. Too close is easy to lose the personal space that each person needs for the individual, causing anxiety; too far away will make the parent-child relationship too unfamiliar. The best relationship between parents and children is to keep each other company but leave each other's spiritual space. "I support what you want to do but I don't limit what you want to do." Starting from "emotional design", Le Bei Home Stay Park focuses on the interaction between parents and children. Four different animals, lion, elephant, zebra and parrot, respectively convey four different personality traits: communication, exploration, courage and wisdom. We hope to build a parent-child paradise with the way of thinking of "learning while playing, playing while learning". Let the children play in the park, deepen the communication and interaction with their parents, and understand the significance of nature education.


In this illusory world of shellfish, people are instead caged animals, while birds fly freely outside the cage. This tells children that all things start from nature, and nature gives birth to all life. If human beings exploit and hunt excessively, nature will eventually bind human beings, and human beings and nature should be a life community. The designer of reception area uses wire to simulate the shape of birdcage. The welcome waiter is in the cage. Welcome to Le Bei, the beginning of the whole animal kingdom.


Entering the recreation area, children can find small animals in every corner. They can read books, pile up trees, chase and play, or even tell stories. Parents can also interact with their children through the parent-waiting areas in different areas of the space


Park as if on the second floor is a fantasy world of the kingdom of the cloud, children can climb to the second floor, online and a layer of water to form a telekinesis interaction, parents downstairs while sipping drinks play looking at children playing in the upstairs into the cabin, midway can meet all kinds of lovely animal.


White gauze curtain floats in the sky like the cloud in fairy tale world, lightsome and lively. Scattered in the clouds, each functional area is transformed into a colorful box according to the space requirements, attracting the desire of children to enter and explore in it. At the same time, the large area of straw texture paint unified the tone of the whole space. Soft outfit with low saturation color and line graffiti style modeling and animal sculpture, the overall creation of a colorful animal kingdom adventure island.


设计收费:面议 元/平             

擅长类型: 室内,商业,标识,景观



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