项目名称 | 云玺潮汇
项目地点 | 湖南长沙
项目面积 | 50000m²
设计机构 | 辛视设计
设计材料 | 水磨石、氟碳漆、不锈钢、透明屏
设计团队 | 辛科 、金玉辉 、黄城、黄帼薇 、陈达标、叶颖婷、陈亚云、张坚、黄龙
VI 设计 | 锐奥品牌设计
景观深化 | 迪尔景观
舞美落地 | 印记
业主代表 | 程有志、陈志鹏
设计时间 | 2020.12
竣工时间 | 2022.07
项目摄影 | 甍空间摄影
Changsha is a popular tourist city at present. Project Yunxi Chaohui is located at the intersection of Pozi Street and Taiping Street, Jiefang West, Changsha.When night falls, young people's night trip also begins.
With the homogenization of traditional shopping malls, the imagination space left for consumers has become minimal. On the redefinition of Chaohui, it breaks away from the boundaries of traditional shopping mall models and innovates to explore more possibilities.
依托长沙商业核心街道,结合长沙夜生活场景。装修公司我们选择搭建沉浸式的泛娱乐社交休闲空间,指引新的社交生活。为来到这个城市的人打造一个时下新型社交打卡地,集时尚潮玩、轻食餐吧、休闲娱乐等多元业态一体的体验型空间。Relying on the commercial core streets of Changsha, combined with the nightlife scene of Changsha. We choose to build an immersive pan entertainment social leisure space to guide new social life. To create a new type of social check-in place for people who come to this city, an experiential space that integrates various formats such as fashion, light food bars, leisure and entertainment.
构 建 未来空间
Building Future Space
The original architectural design was based on the concept of Tianmen Mountain, layered and arranged in a neat and orderly manner. We have continued on this foundation by adding an entertainment atmosphere, from the landscape, exterior walls to the interior. Intended to create a more diverse immersive social experience and give space more scene demands.
The atrium is a multi-functional space endowed with social attributes and is also a show floor. The cascade design of the atrium railings, lighting outline the space corridor, with the change of sight, the sculptural sense of the railings is presented.